... splatterladder is watching you!
Reggyman - 11 days 12 hours 19 minutes agoa only ae sniper challenge server would be great again
- 38 days 51 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 38 days 11 hours 53 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
bugs - 39 days 2 hours 15 minutes agoFrohes Neues!
- 40 days 2 hours 22 minutes ago@$mart assuming I quickly make another goldrush version, do have someone who can do the waypoints?
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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, May 11 2014 at 14:41


Hi folks.
SL-Hosting is online for more than 2 month now, and the time has come to do a first server maintenance.
We need to add several patches to the operating system and do some system checks.

Therefor the hosting server needs to be stopped several times which will also shutdown the gameservers hosted in the machine.

The maintenance is planned at
Monday, may 12th starting 6:00 am CEST
and will take up to 8 hours

Thank you four your understanding

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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, Feb 18 2014 at 13:33

SPLATTERLADDER HOSTING - a new service from splatterladder.com

The brain behind splatterladder has brought a new idea to life to contribute a very easy, very affordable possibility for everyone to host an own Enemy Territory Gameserver for a ridiculous low price of 6.40 EUR per month on a gentlemens agreement base for a 32 slot Gameserver.

I repeat that for you to assure you have read right: 32 slot ET Gameserver for 6.40 EUR per month!

HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? The one or other of you might ask.

It is possible because we see this as a service for and to the community, not a way to start earning money. The calculation is quite simple:
A suitable Root-Server would cost about 70 Euro / month + round about 100 Euro setup fee (Intel® Xeon® E3-1270 v3 + 32GB ECC Ram + 2TB HDD [raid1] + 20TB free traffic @ 1Gbit/s [they assure at least 200Mbit / s] , after 20TB the speed will be lowered for the remaining days of the month.) This configuration should be suitable for round about 12 - 15 gameserver with 32 slots each.
Lets do an example with 12 Gameservers: 12 x 6.40 = 76.80 EUR per month. That means the setup fee will automatically be paid after 15 months of continous rental from the serverhost (6.80 x 15 = 102 EUR).

WHAT DO I GET FOR MY MONEY? This is also a good question.

We can´t deliver 24/7 support or any fast response if there occurs a problem. What we can do is offer you a pretty nice and easy to understand Gameserverpanel with ftp support to upload your files. You may ofc. use any other ftp client. Within the Game Manager you have the chance to fast start / stop / restart the server, watch a basic Game-Monitor and we guarantee daily backups of your server.


We dont want to bind you with a long term contract or a big payment in advance, so we thought the best way for anyone to try it out would be to pay on a monthly base. If too many people try the service and cancel after one month we will have to pay the due for the rented Server, so we would like to see you keep it longer than one month only thanks.gif To be honest, we do not believe that you will cancel it, after you have tested it.


We have preinstalled the following mods as templates so all you have to do is choose a mod, upload your files, edit the server.cfg and mod.cfg and then start your server.
etjump, etlegacy *, etnam *, etpro, etpub *, jaymod *, nitmod *, noquarter *, silentmod *, tjmod (* = Omni-Bot enabled)
If you like to take a peak to the Game Server Panel we have installed, try: https://splatterladder.com/server with the logindetails: testuser - testuser

WHAT ABOUT LAG? Whats that? grin.gif

You can test it yourself on two servers that use our new Splatterladder Hosting Service already. Check it out on one of these early testers Gameservers that use our new feature for some days now.
https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=serverinfo&idx=756633 Server running ET Pub 1.0.0 with Omnibot
https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=serverinfo&idx=756634 Server running Jaymod 2.1.7 with Omnibot

If we got your attention with these lines, we look forward to see you grabbing your own ET Gameserver asap.

Gameserver order forum

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Written by moddb, May 13 2014 at 02:28

Rebellion Warfare 2.0 stable
The stable version of Rebellion Warfare is under-development...
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Written by moddb, Apr 06 2014 at 08:35

Star Wars Mod: Rebellion Warfare 1.3 New Features
One more step closer to the upcoming version of Rebellion Warfare...
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Written by moddb, Mar 13 2014 at 15:13

Star Wars Mod Rebellion Warfare v 1 3 [WIP]
New weapons, new kilstreaks, smarter bots... A lot of changes for 1.3 version of Rebellion Warfare.
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Written by moddb, Mar 05 2014 at 11:18

Rebellion Warfare 1.2 server is opened today!
We open a public server for you and your friend to enjoy Rebellion Warfare. Read the description for more info.
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Written by moddb, Feb 17 2014 at 17:04

New changes in Rebellion Warfare 1.2
Smart bots, Air-based killstreaks, customizations, ...
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Written by moddb, Jan 03 2014 at 11:20

Star Wars Mod: Rebellion Warfare 1.1 release announcement
The mod changed its name to Rebellion Warfare. New gametypes, more fun!
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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, Oct 20 2012 at 16:38

Just a few weeks ago we opened the box of pandera with starting tracking of more then only ET & RtCW, namely the launch of ioUrban Terror tracking.

Today we are proud to present you splatterladders Call of Duty section.

This is still in beta phase, but we decided to open it for you.

Please don`t hesitate to drop a post in our forum if you find any bug or missing text.

We track and rate the following CoD Versions with forum including clan- and serverregistration:
https://cod.splatterladder.com (for CoD1, 2, UO, WaW, MW2)
  • CoD - the original mega-seller in 2nd WW fps
  • CoD:UO - the Add-On for the first game
  • CoD2 - new weapons, new maps, new game-modes
  • CoD:WaW - old weapons, new maps, new controls
  • CoD:MW2 (+IW2) - the second coming of modern warfare

https://cod4.splatterladder.com (CoD4 only)
  • CoD4 (MW) - modern weapons in a near future setting


Fully compatible rating and ranking of all supported versions, measure your skill and beat the enemy!

Have fun using the newest sl.supported games and compare to your friends.

And never foget - splatterladder is watching you!

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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, Oct 03 2012 at 22:08

Time has come to announce the next step in splatterladder history: Multi-Game-Support.

splatterladder.com - your first source for playertracking and ranking is expanding with a lot of games to reach a new audience step-by-step.

As you have already seen on splatterladder.com the first new added game is "io Urban Terror". But this has only been the very beginning of what is going to happen throughout the next weeks on splatterladder.com

The first games to be added beside rtcw/et and new added ioUrban Terror will be Call of Duty 1, 2 and 4 together with Quake3 (io Quake).

Ofcourse every added game will receive the same splatterladder features that you all know and love from RtCW and Enemy Territory:
  • servertracking
  • playertracking with rating (ratingfunctions may vary to the ET implemented rating)
  • serverlist
  • buddylist
  • maplist
  • ... and so on.

If you want to take the chance to participate in these new sl.games with player- or serveradminsupport feel free to get in touch with us.
More new games will be announced after they are implemented in a beta state.

Subscribers of splatterletter (© by splatterladder.com) get to know great news like this always a few days earlier - subscribe now.
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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, Apr 06 2012 at 05:53

We implemented a new API: ServerQueryAPI

Now you`re able to use splatterladder generated data for
...your homepage
...your very own statistic tool
or whatever you want to.

This API offers you the possibility to query the data from up to 10 server listed on SL in XML or JSON format.

The answer contains almost all data visible on the server-detail site.
For example current players (with ping, xp), all the server flags (punkbuster, tzac, friendly fire and so on)

Hot it works:
The basepath to the API is
where you have to add the variables you need:
format -> xml or json
svid -> Splatterladder server ID
svadd -> Serveradress (IP:PORT)
If you want to query multiple server-ids or adresses, use the variables as array ( svadd[]=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyyyy )

So if you want to get the data of the server with the id "658158" , the one behind "" and "" on JSON format,
simply create the URI by concating the variables:

You will receive the full JSON object, with a section of , IMO, useful hints.

We hope you`ll enjoy this new feature.
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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, Mar 18 2012 at 14:53

Splatterladder.com relaunches the free voice server hosting with improved speacial features!


Grab you free mumble server today and start mumbling :-)
Speacial Features:
announcing of joining or leaving mumblers on your ET Server.
support of mumble channel viewer protocol.

Other changes:
New, faster MAP version
Valid SSL server certificate

More about it: SL-Forum
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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, Sep 24 2011 at 00:35

From now on we offer you the ability to subscribe (and ofc. unsubsribe if you dont like it) for the Splatterletter. The unique newsletter of Splatterladder.

With this Splatterletter we will inform you in irregular intervals about new developements around the sl so you can stay informed even if you dont visit our forum every day or week.

To keep it simple you need to be logged in with your sl-account and navigate on the mainpage to the upper right corner of the site. The box "Pad & Letter" contains the link to subscribe to our newsletter. You can also very easily unsubscribe to it, you just need to follow that link a second time. You dont have to supply an emailadress during subscription, the newsletter is automatically sent to the email adress that is registered with your sl.account.

If you have any questions please visit our forum.
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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, Aug 07 2011 at 17:21

The sl is continuously serving you new features step-by-step to serve you with the best experience.

Our newest service is a textpad where you can invite your clan or friends to and share private information fast, simple and secure. The stunning feature is that you can simultanously work inside the pad. You can see what others are posting live and start writing inside their post at the same time as they do. You can easily create an own pad, set a password to secure the adminsection and start inviting your friends. Noone will be able to see what you and your friends share through your pad since it is password-protected.


If you have further question to this enhancement - feel free to reply.
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