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Rating = 8.61542
# Game Map Total Time Rating Time Proportional Time (in %) Rating Games Last Seen
1 Call of Duty 2 mp_ohmy_houn_ext 30.7 hrs 29.4 hrs 8.5% 16.53 95 306d
2 Call of Duty 2 mp_toujane 39.1 hrs 31.8 hrs 10.8% 16.18 141 306d
3 Call of Duty 2 mp_german_base 33.4 hrs 27.6 hrs 9.3% 15.56 110 306d
4 Call of Duty 2 mp_burgundy 34.6 hrs 27.1 hrs 9.6% 15.54 132 326d
5 Call of Duty 2 mp_rouen 21.8 hrs 18.5 hrs 6% 14.3 78 306d
6 Call of Duty 2 mp_tobruk 16.3 hrs 11.6 hrs 4.5% 14.08 62 324d
7 Call of Duty 2 mp_downtown 10.5 hrs 7.7 hrs 2.9% 13.95 39 324d
8 Call of Duty 2 mp_matmata 15 hrs 12.9 hrs 4.2% 13.82 53 326d
9 Call of Duty 2 mp_bandit 24.9 hrs 17.3 hrs 6.9% 13.73 92 318d
10 Call of Duty 2 mp_dawnville 19.6 hrs 16.7 hrs 5.4% 13.56 68 316d
11 Call of Duty 2 mp_houn 11.9 hrs 11 hrs 3.3% 13.14 42 312d
12 Call of Duty 2 mp_gunslingers 14.5 hrs 12.2 hrs 4% 12.83 49 306d
13 Call of Duty 2 mp_ohmy_matmata_ext 10.7 hrs 9.4 hrs 3% 12.56 35 306d
14 Call of Duty 2 mp_gob_rats 10.8 hrs 8.9 hrs 3% 12.39 34 316d
15 Call of Duty 2 mp_carentan 30.4 hrs 26.1 hrs 8.4% 12.01 106 306d
17 Call of Duty 2 mp_railyard 11.6 hrs 10.3 hrs 3.2% 11.07 40 326d
  (15 days) 12.5 days  
11 map(s) are hidden Show all maps.
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